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In Deep Deer Carts is the innovative result of the hours spent brainstorming among a team of hunting buddies. The problem? Bulky, clumsy traditional deer carts and the inconveniences they cause.

Elliott, Anthony, and Joe–the craftsmen behind the solution–are outdoorsmen first, and skilled tradesmen second. Their first-hand experiences deep in the bush combined with years of hands-on work in welding, engineering, and artisanship has been an essential recipe for discovering a fix for this modern problem that has ailed hunters far and wide.


Their unanimous standards of quality in both production and customer service have resulted in ultra-compact deer carts unlike anything on the market. Composed of aircraft aluminum and weighing in at less than 10 pounds, its tool-free assembly and ability to store in a pack has made these carts one of the most disruptive products the hunting industry has seen in the last decade. 


Best of all, everything is sourced, fabricated, and assembled within the USA. 





Elliott Sheriff


Archery or Rifle: Rifle

Following a 5-year apprenticeship with Local 520 Plumbers and Pipefitters and a 3-year career as a construction supervisor, Elliott took his first swing at entrepreneurship in 2014 with his custom metal work company Keystone Metal Art. Today, Elliot is combining this experience with his passion for hunting to bring practicality and contemporary design to the hunting industry. By creating products that he himself would use on a hunt, he hopes to change the way like-minded outdoorsmen utilize technology in the woods!

Joseph Lannon


Archery or Rifle: Archery

With a career in pipefitting and welding engineering, problem solving is an integral part of Joseph’s everyday life. That’s why, when it came to finding solutions for the clumsy, heavy deer carts he was used to using, he was the perfect man for the job. Joseph is also a committed hunter and outdoorsman; he believes that nature has allowed him to grow closer to his loved ones, and that navigating the highs and lows of a harvest together is an unrivaled experience you just can’t get anywhere else. Digging deep and pushing his limits drives him forward in all things. His motto? Hunt long, hunt hard, and go in deep.


Anthony Lentini


Archery or Rifle: Can't Chose

Anthony brings a decade of experience as a union ironworker, and fundamental skills such as structural welding, rigging, and layout. But despite his industry-relevant expertise (along with 7 years of business partnership at Keystone Metal Art), Anthony is an avid hunter and loves the outdoors the most. He enjoys the peace and quiet of the woods, the memories he makes with his hunting buddies, and the incomparable feeling of finally harvesting “the big one” after hours and hours of preparation and dedication.

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